The Last Word:
Fresh New Approaches: Student Leadership Initiatives

Presenters: Tyler Kinney, KJ Kim and Jordan Straight with chair Rafael Jaen in the back.

Straight demonstrated how to create patterns using Adobe Photoshop Elements.

Kim demonstrated how to create face canvases for make-up schematics using Adobe Photoshop.

Tyler Kinney demonstrated how to create research packets using Adobe InDesign.
The Costume Commission introduced the new Student Leadership Initiatives (SLI) at the Charlotte 2011 Conference & Stage Expo. SLI showcased projects featuring imagination and effective teaching by students in costume, make-up, and digital design-technology.
The presenters included make-up designer KJ Kim, a senior theatre design major from the University of Evansville (USITT Young Designers & Technicians Award in Make-up Design, KCACTF Alcone Make-up Design Award Recipient, Region III 2011); costume and set designer Tyler Kinney, a senior in BFA theatre design and technology, from Emerson College (KCACTF Barbizon Award Recipient Region 1, 2011); and costume designer Jordan Straight, a first year MFA costume design and technology student, from the University of Alabama.
Attendees felt empowered thanks to students’ “to-the-point” directions and the relevance of the information.
Esther Van Eek, costume design faculty, School of Dramatic Art, University of Windsor, Ontario and Co-Chair of Costume Portfolio Reviews, said, “The students were remarkable in their ability to seize existing tools and to adapt them to new uses making brilliance look so effortless.”
Martha Ruskai, wig and make-up design faculty, UNC School of the Arts, and Vice-Commissioner for Make-up/Hair/Wigs said, “I love the idea of a session devoted to students to present something very fresh and recent in their work.”
ClareMarie Verheyen, costume and make-up design faculty at the University of Houston, added, “The Student Leadership initiative was a wonderful treat for the ‘old-timers’ who pretty much know each others’ ‘tunes.’ To meet, see, and learn from our younger membership… was truly eye opening and thrilling.”
Debra Krajec, artistic director/artistic associate professor, Theatre Arts Program, Marquette University in Wisconsin, said “I very much appreciated that each student shared one specific thing they had done with the computer, and then told us specifically how they did it, and showed us what their final product was”.
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