News From David Grindle, USITT Executive Director
Moving and Changing

June is traditionally a month of transitions. For some reason, people take the onset of summer as a great time to make life transitions.
USITT is no different. We have lots of transitions in June as well and this year is no different.
Later this month readers will see a transition of our online presence. is getting a new look, new host, and lots of new functionality. Member profiles will be connected to an online community for each Commission with searchable resources and communications. JobsUSITT, one of our most popular sites becomes searchable by Commission, job location, and whether the position is full- or part-time or intern. Extending our community to an online presence gives us the ability to communicate more quickly and collaboratively.
June is also a transition for leadership. The end of June brings the end of President Lea Asbell-Swanger’s term in office. Lea is the third president I have had the pleasure of serving. She has provided guidance and direction that have made the last three years incredibly fruitful for USITT. She has also become a closer friend and travel companion. These are the things that each of USITT’s president’s seem to become with me over their tenure. I owe her a great deal of thanks for her service until now, and for years to come.
Mark Shanda transitions to President. While the process of the transition has been ongoing, for me, it occurs when I change the number on the speed dial button on my phone that reads “President.” Mark and I have been discussing his goals and hopes for USITT and I know that the next three years will continue to see a robust and vital organization that works to serve. I owe him thanks as well for his part of this transition being so smooth.
We have additional officers and directors transitioning on and off the board as well as Commissioners and other leaders. Each of these people are owed great thanks for their commitment to USITT. This month of transition is one full of thanks.
Finally, thank you to each and every member. USITT is growing and vibrant. It is full of energy and enthusiasm for projects and programs that are ongoing and emerging. Other association leaders see the work we do and ask me how we accomplish it. The answer is always the same, “engaged and active members.” Each member, from the newest to those with 50 years of membership or more, is a vital part of the organism that is USITT. Thank you. We wouldn’t be able to do all of these transitions without your participation.
If this is a month of transition for you, thanks and congratulations. If you are just transitioning through life as normal, thank you for choosing to do it as a member of USITT. Here’s to a great future for us all.