News & Notices
Announce Candidates for 2016 Elections

The Board of Directors meet in plush surroundings of the Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza Hotel during the Conference in Cincinnati in March 2015.
Photo/R Finkelstein
It’s time again to look toward the future of the Institute and consider who to select to lead it. The slate of candidates for the 2016 elections has been released by the Nominations Committee. This year’s nomination cycle involves only six open Director positions.
The 12 nominees as selected after careful deliberation by the Nominations Committee are:
- Paul Brunner
- Kate Ellis
- Jerry Gorrell
- Tom Hackman
- Carey Blackerby Hanson
- Albert (Tony) Hardin
- Jesse Portillo
- Patrick Rizzotti
- Kim Scott
- Tina Shackleford
- David S. Stewart
- James Streeter
The six people elected each will serve a three-year term beginning July 1, 2016. Voting will begin in late October and close in early December; exact dates are to be determined.
No officers have terms which expire in 2016, so no officer positions will be on the ballot.
Per the Policies and Procedures Compendium (PPC), additional candidates can be nominated by petition with no fewer than 50 signatures of members in good standing by close of nominations on September 1. The PPC also includes more information on the Nominations and Elections procedures. Those interested can refer to pages 94-95 of the USITT Policies and Procedures Compendium (PPC) on the ‘By Laws’ page of the Institute’s website.