News From Joe Aldridge, USITT President
Preparing for Long Beach, and Beyond

The time to meet in Long Beach for the Conference is rapidly approaching. Final preparations are being made in anticipation of those four event-filled days that await us.
I, for one, am looking forward to seeing all of my friends and colleagues I normally see at the Conference. There are new opportunities for our student members to meet and interact with the Fellows. What a wonderful opportunity to pick the brains of that august group of women and men at the Fellows Network Nexus Booth at Stage Expo or anywhere that you might encounter them, for that matter. You will find one or more of them just about anywhere you look. Take the opportunity to introduce yourself and get to know them (us!) a little better.
Once again you have elected an outstanding slate of officers and directors who will take office on July 1 of this year. Congratulations to all of the winners and a hearty "Thank You" to all who were willing to run for office regardless of the outcome.
Sadly, my stint as President of this great organization is fast coming to an end. Hopefully, I am leaving USITT in better condition than what it was when I took office (and that condition was great to begin with!). Carl Lefko passed the mantle to me with the transition in good order, as Sylvia had to him.
The reorganization that was begun under their watch continues to take shape. President-Elect Lea Asbell-Swanger will still have some work to do, but she should have as smooth sailing as I have during her term of office. The organization continues to grow in very positive ways. As with those before me, I stand ready to assist Lea in any way that she deems necessary.
Don't forget your sun screen, and I will see you in Long Beach! Travel safe!
Please join President Joe Aldridge and President-Elect Lea Asbell-Swanger for the passing of the ceremonial gavel of office at the Closing Night party. Festivities get underway with a cash bar and hors d'oeurvers at 6 p.m. in Ballroom B of the Long Beach Convention Center. Both Joe and Lea have promised that their remarks will be brief.
We'd like to hear your comments on this story.
Please e-mail Joe at