March 2012

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March 2012

News From David Grindle, USITT Executive Director

Answers Come from Members

The call was not an unusual one, but the timing was impeccable. A member had a situation at a theatre involving code enforcement and called USITT. "Here's the situation… who do I call?" The member received several names of people who were active in code development, enforcement, and theatre application, and went forward to solve the problem.

With the approach of the Annual Conference, the office gets very focused on the preparation of this event. Each of us has duties and responsibilities that must be completed, sometimes weeks prior, and that becomes our driving force. With only seven of us working full-time and supporting the volunteers, it gets busy. But this phone call reminded me of why USITT exists to begin with. We are here for members to dialogue about the challenges they face and the solutions they are developing.

There is currently a survey being circulated among the membership about what you value the most in the organization. We are wide ranging, diverse, and serve many constituencies. But no matter how we try through daily communication, we can't get everyone's opinion on what matters to them. That's why the survey.

The survey was created by a diverse group of people with backgrounds not only in USITT but serving people in their jobs. These folks wrote, rewrote, thought, and rethought every word of the document. It was tested with a small group whose feedback was incorporated. Why? Because we want to make sure that the questions are clear and the responses helpful. The membership's needs are what the organization exists to meet.

For most, the example I stated says it all. USITT exists to facilitate communication among the members. How we do that and through what programming requires input from the entire range of membership. Please take time to fill out the survey before it closes on March 4. Share with people what programs and services you find valuable, what we could do to serve you better, and what you want for the future of your Institute.

Take time to connect with USITT, so we can continue to help create meaningful connections for all of the members.

David Grindle

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