News & Notices
Seek Nominations for YD&T Awards

Claudia Longo, left, of Kryolan Professional Makeup presents the 2013 USITT Makeup Design Award sponsored by Kryolan Professional Makeup to Lauren Wilde.
Photo/Daryl Pauley
Nominations for USITT's 2014 Young Designers & Technicians Awards – including two new awards for Costume Making and Scene Painting by student artists – open September 1 and close October 17.
The annual YD&T awards are sponsored by performing arts industry leaders to support up-and-coming young designers and technicians in sound, costume, scene, make-up, and lighting design; stage management; and scenic technology.
Two USITT educators, Judy Adamson and Bernhard R. Works, recently brought the number of YD&T awards to 11 by founding new awards for 2014.
Ms. Adamson, head of costume production at the University of North Carolina, is sponsoring the Barbara Matera Award in Costume-Making in honor of her late mentor. Ms. Adamson wanted to add a costume construction award to the Costume Design & Technology Award sponsored by designer Zelma H. Weisfeld.
Mr. Works, sponsor of the Frederick A. Buerki "Golden Hammer" Scenic Technology Award for 15 years, added the USITT Master Craftsmanship Award to encourage an undergraduate college senior in an "under-recognized" area, which for 2014 is scene painting.
Online nominations for YD&T awards may be made by any member. Seven awards are for graduate students or young professionals; three are open to undergraduate or graduate students, and two – the Master Craftsmanship Award and a Scenic Design Award sponsored by Stage Decoration & Supplies -- are specifically for undergraduates.
Winners will receive a cash prize, formal recognition, and free registration to USITT's 2014 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Fort Worth, Texas, where the awards are presented.
Here is list of all the YD&T Awards for 2014 with links to their descriptions:
- KM Fabrics Technical Production Award
- Bernhard R. Works Frederick A. Buerki "Golden Hammer" Award
- Robert E. Cohen Sound Achievement Award
- Zelma H. Weisfeld Costume Design & Technology Award
- USITT Lighting Design Award sponsored by Barbizon Lighting Company
- USITT Scene Design Award sponsored by Rose Brand
- USITT Makeup Design Award sponsored by Kryolan Professional Makeup
- USITT Stage Management Award sponsored by Clear-Com
- USITT W. Oren Parker Undergraduate Scene Design Award sponsored by Stage Decoration & Supplies
- Barbara Matera Award for Costume Making sponsored by Judy Adamson
- Master Craftsmanship Award sponsored by Bernhard R. Works
For more information on YD&T, click here.