News & Notices
Watch Out for USITT Presents in Salt Lake
Watch out for some great hands-on training at USITT 2016, including a one-day accelerated session on Dataton WATCHOUT software!
USITT Presents training and Show Sage will hold a session on the multi-display design and production software 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 16 at the Salt Palace Convention Center. This highly interactive session will explore the capabilities of WATCHOUT with plenty of idea-sharing. Attendees who bring a laptop can work with the software during class; all participants will get a copy to take with them.

Miles Dudgeon, System Electrician at Syracuse Stage, at a recent CM-ET Road Tech class.
The WATCHOUT session is among several USITT Presents training events offered in Salt Lake during the Conference.
Columbus McKinnon will hold a beginner session of its popular motor school, CM-ET Motor School for the Novice Technician 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, March 19.
CM Trainer Dave Carmack also will teach his popular two-day CM-ET Road Tech Training on maintaining its Lodestar hoist motor on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 15-16, at the Salt Palace. The class carries 12 ETCP renewal credits.
ETC also will offer three days of ETC Ion Console and EOS Family training – Levels 1, 2, and 3 – on Tuesday-Thursday, March 15-17, at the nearby Hilton Granite Conference Center.
USITT members get half-price rates. Learn more at
March 28 Deadline to Register for 2016 Elite Training
USITT’s 2016 Elite Training takes place May 19-21 in Las Vegas. The deadline to apply to be one of eight participants per class in Rigging, Automation, Sound, Projection, and Stage Management is March 28. Students and early career professionals, apply here.
Training at the Cirque du Soleil Training Center with industry pros is free – accepted students pay for their own transportation and housing.
USITT Elite Training has been called “life-changing” by past participants. Learn from USITT’s industry partners Cirque du Soleil, Meyer Sound, CM Entertainment Technology, Silver State Wire Rope & Rigging, Tait Stage Technologies, and Nicopress, with hands-on training on their equipment.
For more info or to register, go to
2016 USITT Architecture and Theatre Student Design Competition
Student architecture and theatre teams from France and Spain are finalists for 2016 Honor Awards in USITT’s 2016 Architecture and Theatre Student Design Competition.
The contest, sponsored by American Seating, asked teams of architecture students and at least one theatre student to collaborate to design an “ideal” performance space for their college campus.
The three Honor Team finalists from the two colleges will travel to USITT 2016 in Salt Lake City to present their designs, and one will be named the winner.
The École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Malaquais in France has two teams in the Honor Team category and one selected for a Merit Award. The Escuela Superior de Arte Dramatico Castillo y León has one team competing for Honor Team and one on the Merit Team.
The student presentations will take place 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 19.
Honor Team – Finalists: Theatre Club, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Malaquais: Cyrindella, Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Architecture du Paris-Malaquais; and MABRAM Studio, Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático Castilla y León, Universidad de Valladolid.
Merit Award: Anthill Team, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris- Malaquais, and Arq-scenica, Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático Castillo y León, Universidad de Valladolid.
March is Theatre in Our Schools Month!
The American Alliance for Theatre & Education and the Educational Theatre Association are partnering to promote our March public awareness campaign, Theatre in Our Schools (TIOS). You can help by serving as TIOS Champions for Theatre Education!
Just share a brief quote about the value of your theatre education experiences and why it’s important for students to have theatre in their lives. Possible prompts include:
- My first theatre experience was….
- My theatre teacher taught me….
- Theatre education matters because…
Post your quote (and photos/videos) on Twitter or Facebook with hashtags #TheatreInOurSchools and #TIOS16. You can also download videos and images here.
Awards Recognize Technical Standards Program Volunteers
ESTA’s Technical Standards Council announced the recipients of the third annual Above & Beyond Awards designed to recognize outstanding Technical Standards Program volunteers.
The 2015 awards were presented to Tyrone Mellon Jr., the E1.43 “Flying Performer” Task Group, and Peter Scheu and Duane Wilson.
The awards celebrate volunteers who have made a significant contribution or effort that advances the Technical Standards Program. The TSP exists because hundreds of individuals from across the industry volunteer their expertise and significant amounts of time throughout the year to write standards that increase safety, solve problems, and make life easier. The nominations are made by peers within the Technical Standards Program.
To learn more about ESTA’s Technical Standards Program visit
NATEAC Announces Sessions List
The North American Theatre Engineering and Architecture Conference (NATEAC) recently announced the some of the sessions for its upcoming conference.
NATEAC 2016, to be held in New York City on July 17 and 18, will offer sessions on a variety of topics including, LED Power Requirements, Gender Issues In Public Assembly Place Bathrooms, Immersive Environments and the 21st Century Audience and Greening Initiatives in Theatres. Over the two days NATEAC will present 26 sessions led by more than 60 top industry professionals. The panels, presented by many industry leaders–including Steve Terry, Steve Tomkins, Mark Ager, Mark Holden, and Jeffrey Horowitz–will set the stage for discussions that will carry on long after the conference closes.