News & Notices
Fellows Mentoring Continues

USITT President Lea Asbell-Swanger, center, with the 2014 Find-A-Fellow winners. Both were nearby when their names were drawn in a random selection process from all those who correctly identified the Fellows from their youthful photos.
The Fellows of the Institute continue to make mentoring one of their primary mission assignments throughout the year. Dick Devin led an opening mentoring session at the 2014 Conference & Stage Expo in Fort Worth, Texas. At this session, six Fellows engaged in lively conversations and answered questions posed by younger Institute members.
Find-A-Fellow 2014 is another Fellows initiative aimed at providing career advice and direction to Student Members. This is the third year for the FAF Contest which has become an enjoyable Conference feature bringing students and Fellows together.
Graduating seniors Melissa Carrico and Brittany McMahon each won a two-day mentoring session with a seasoned professional in her area of interest. Ms Carrico, pursuing directing, and Ms. McMahon, interested in stage management, will be paired with a mentor by the Fellows Make it So working group based on their backgrounds, educational experiences, and work history.
Each will travel to her mentor's worksite or place of business to spend an intensive two days learning some of the inside secrets of the trade. The Fellows work to foster long-term engagements so these relationships continue and become an ongoing friendship that will last for a very long time.
USITT's Fellows look forward to carrying on their mentoring work and will provide new opportunities in the future to assist upcoming professionals.