News & Notices
Offer Students Grants for Travel

Leigh Brown, right, winner of the 2009 USITT Student Travel Grant, with Treva Reimer, who presented the award, at the Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Cincinnati.
Photo/Casey Kearns
The 2013 Student International Travel Grant program opens September 15, 2012.
Students who are looking for support to travel and work on international research projects are eligible. The grant, offered every other year, can support students seeking funding for theatre design, technology, and research related international travel. The award amount is $1,000, and is supported by the USITT International Fund and made available through the USITT International Committee.
Eligible projects may be developed from a wide variety of theatre topics.
Applications are due December 1, 2012, for travel between March 2013 and March 2014. One grant applicant will be selected and the award will be presented at the Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in March 2013. Winners do not need to attend to receive the award.
Current USITT Student members in their junior or senior years of study, or those in a graduate program, are encouraged to apply.
In addition to the application form, those requesting a grant are asked to compose a project narrative (500 word maximum) describing the project, where traveling, planned timetable, budget, and what is expected to be accomplished while overseas.
The application should include a letter of recommendation from a current teacher, resume, and for design-related applications, ten images of recent work. Please refer questions to Marketa Fantova, or Treva Reimer,
A public report of the completed project is required by the end of the award year. Grant recipients will receive guidance in arranging either a presentation through the International Committee, or an article for TD&T, two of several ways in which findings can be shared with the membership.