Seek Proposals for Education Sessions

The Education Commission is asking anyone interested to submit a session proposal for the Milwaukee 2013 Conference & Stage Expo. Those with a topic related to the field of theatre education and who think it will make a good session follow this link and fill out the online session proposal form. Session submissions will be discussed and voted upon at the Education Commission meeting that will be held in Long Beach on March 31 at 4:30pm.
For examples of what could make a good Education Commission session, look at the Long Beach sessions being offered by the Commission.
Members who think they have a good idea, but are not sure if it will past muster with your fellow technicians and educators, are urged to submit it and find out! Well written, reasonable, and thought-out proposals will be presented to the Commission's members for review and discussion.
For more information, contact the Education Commission's Co-Vice Commissioners for Programming, Adam Mendelson,, or Ashley Bellet,
Don't have an idea for a session proposal, but have a great idea for an education-related Sightlines article (300 word max)? Send ideas and contact information to Jonathan Allender-Zivic, or Shan Ayers, .