News & Notices
Directors Elected, Seek 2013 Nominations

USITT's 2012 elections saw average participation, with almost 24 percent of members voting either electronically or using paper ballots representing almost 800 members voting.
The following officer positions were filled: Dan Culhane was elected Treasurer; Mark Shanda, Vice-President for Communications; Martha Marking, Vice-President for Members, Sections & Chapters; Tom Hackman, Vice-President for Programming; and Dan Denhart, Vice-President for Special Operations. These officers are filling three-year terms.
Also elected to three-year terms are Directors Alessia Carpoca, Linda Pisano, Carolyn Satter, Bill Browning, Kasey Allee-Foreman, and Michael Mehler. All officers and directors begin their terms on July 1. They will participate in orientation and be invited to sit in on board meetings and discussions at the 2012 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Long Beach.
Sherry Wagner-Henry, USITT Secretary, certified the election results.
Now that 2012 voting has concluded, nominations are being sought for candidates in the 2013 election cycle. The Nominations Committee is chaired by the Institute's Secretary with Anthony Phelps, Ben Gasper, Brian Bjorklund, Carl Lefko, Debra Garcia Lockwood, Donna Meester, Jason Foreman, Jennifer Knott, Jimmie Byrd, Joe Tilford, Laura Hoepker, Linda Essig, and Mike McNamara as members.
Nominations are open for six Director positions who will begin their service in 2013. Because of the new three-year officer terms in the Institute Bylaws (adopted in 2010,) there will be no Officer positions on the ballot.
Any USITT member in good standing can nominate someone or themselves to a position on the USITT Board of Directors.
Complete the 2013 Election Nomination Form here. Nominations Committee members may also be contacted with a suggested nominee. All completed applications (form plus attachments) must be submitted by March 2 to .
Once completed, applications are collected and committee develops the 2013 USITT Board of Directors Election slate. The slate will be presented and voted by the membership next fall.
Questions or concerns about the nominations process should be directed to Ms. Wagner-Henry, Nominations Committee Chair.
Many congratulations to the incoming class of 2012! The membership looks forward to working with you in the years ahead.