Seek Scene Design Teaching Projects

Ground Plan for Rendering by Daniel Guyette
Teach. Share. Inspire!
The deadline to submit projects ideas for Projects for Teaching Scene Design: A Compendium is March 1.
With another academic semester drawing to a close and new semester about to begin, some designers are heading to the front of classroom for the first time (or just finished their first semester). They've spent the last several weeks wrestling with the big questions:
- How do I get them starting to think like designers?
- What are the best concepts to teach this group of students?
- What exercises might work to teach these concepts?
After weeks of anxiety searching for the answers, they're handing out syllabi with shaky hands.
"If only there was a book of projects other designers have used to teach scene design, I might have been more confident and creative in my choices."
Veteran teachers of scene design, help out the newbies! Submit examples of creative, innovative projects you have found effective in your design classrooms for a second volume of Projects for Teaching Scene Design: A Compendium. Projects can explore any of the skills taught in scene design courses, including research and conceptualization, analysis, graphic skills, design heritage, and collaboration. New twists on conventional teaching practices or techniques are also welcome.
Projects can be submitted online, and will be selected by a panel of editors based on clear outcomes or learning objectives, uniqueness, and creativity. Final submissions will be accepted on March 1. There will also be a section of old favorites from the first volume and a makeover section of how those projects from the first volume have grown and morphed over the years to meet the changing needs of the students.
The final product is intended to be available both as a hardcopy in a three-ring binder at the USITT Bookstore at the Conference as well as a print on demand/downloadable option throughout the year.
Additional questions can be directed to the panel of editors (Tammy Honesty, Gion DeFrancesco, and Brian Ruggaber) at