News From David Grindle, USITT Executive Director
Membership Matters
Presenting the 2014 USITT Golden Pen Award
Investments. The very word often makes people think of charts and graphs and then cringe. But every USITT member is an investor.
Membership in USITT is an investment in two valuable commodities; the Individual and the Industry.

Recognizing a lifetime of service
Investment in the Individual, yourself, is something that we must do as humans. We invest in ourselves through creating connections, continued learning, and developing skills that allow us to grow as people and professionals. The Individual is the heart of our Institute. Working together we help each other gain knowledge and grow. But an investment in membership does much more.
USITT is a major contributor in the Industry of design and technology. Over the past 10 years, USITT has invested heavily in programs that impact our daily work. Without the investment of members, the ability to make this impact would not exist. Since 2004 USITT has provided $135,000 in direct funding to the PLASA Technical Standards Program as well as $125,000 to the ETCP efforts on behalf of members. This is in addition to the support that sends some of the nation's top people to sit on the committees and councils developing these programs.
USITT's funding of research has been instrumental in developing new technologies, improving safety, and preserving our heritage. This investment is done not only through our grants and fellowships, but also through the publication of books and guidelines such as the new Promotion and Tenure Guidelines that were recently updated.

Educating the next generation
The definition of a 501(c)3 business is one that invests in its "cause" rather than returning a monetary dividend to its shareholders. Your investment in USITT is returning a dividend to the Individual and the Industry. By working together and pooling our resources, we are able to produce an exceptional journal, create the cornerstone event in theatre technology education and training annually, and invest in the good work that others are doing. Your member dollar stretches a long way and impacts you and your world on a daily basis.
We greatly appreciate the many people who choose to invest further in USITT — making gifts to the funds of the Institute. From General Operations, to support for diversity, or awards or other activities, these additional investments have made our expanded programming possible without increasing individual member dues since 2010. Since 100% of our board gives over and above their membership dues, the leadership of USITT is committed to increasing non-dues income so that return on investment grows for the member at a faster rate.
I encourage everyone to consider an additional investment of any amount beyond membership as your personal means allow. But it should start with the investment of membership. That investment is more than TD&T and a discount to the conference. USITT membership is an investment in you, the Individual, and in the Industry that not only supports us, but is the passion within us all.
Thank you for your investment in the Individual and the Industry. Those are the heart of USITT and make us a sound investment.
Recognizing continuing support