The Last Word:
Feng Shui Me: Free Yourself from Clutter - Part 1
Feel happier, healthier, and more fulfilled by incorporating feng shui into your studio space and into all facets of your life.
Feng shui is about correct energy flow. The idea of feng shui can sometimes conjure up feelings of intimidation at first, but over time it will prove to be rewarding. At its core, feng shui is simply about feeling good and prospering in your life.
During the Fort Worth 2014 Annual Conference & Stage Expo, this concept was discussed and explored in the session Feng Shui Me: Creating An Efficient Studio Space. Though there are many aspects and levels to mastering feng shui, simple techniques can start to be incorporated in everyone's workspace.
The first place to look to is clearing clutter and cleansing the space in order to create the most optimal energy not only in your surroundings but within yourself. Clutter comes in all shapes and sizes. It can be stacked in corners, piled on tables, stuffed within drawers, squished in filing cabinets, packed in open boxes, or even hidden behind closed doors. Keep in mind that, in the theory of feng shui, healthy energy is moving energy, so keep clutter off the floor – this is a feng shui "no-no."
Take a look at a prime example of a clutter filled studio space. Below is Elizabeth Popiel's personal office and workspace. Though she was reluctant at first to show all of us this, she realized that the first step in this process of clearing clutter and cleansing your space is admitting that there is a problem. At a closer look, I'm sure we all have similar aspects in our own workspaces.
Peek in the door to Elizabeth Popiel's office and workspace.

Photos of the clutter in Elizabeth Popiel's office and workspace.
Ask yourself some simple questions when starting to clear the clutter:

Ground plan of Elizabeth Popiel's new office and workspace.
- Do I love it?
- Do I use it?
- Do I need it?
- Does it evoke a positive feeling and make me smile?
If you answer no to any of these questions, it is time to say "goodbye" to it. This may not be easy, but once you start to clear this clutter in your space, you will start to feel happier, healthier, and most importantly more creatively fulfilled.
Next month, we will take a look at what the results are when you use feng shui techniques to redesign/rethink your workspace. Stay tuned to see how Elizabeth Popiel's new studio space incorporated feng shui.