News & Notices
Four Sessions, Three Locations for USITT Presents

USITT Presents, USITT's affordable series of hands-on training workshops, is going strong with three new sessions planned in four locations around the nation in November and December.
RC4 Wireless will offer a one-day class, Wireless Dimming & DMX in Practice, in Los Angeles on November 20 and in Houston on November 25. Studio Gear will hold a three-day Automated Lighting, Media Server and Console Course in Green Bay, Wisconsin December 6-8. And Figure 53 will lead a daylong tour of its latest QLab3 audio software on December 30 in Washington, D.C.
All are offered at special USITT Presents rates -- just $60 for USITT members and $30 for student-early career members for the one-day sessions, and $120 for USITT members/$60 student-early career members for the three-day Studio Gear training. The rates double for non-members, but are still lower than most other organizations offer.
"These are an awesome value for a reasonable price," said USITT Education and Training Coordinator Christine Troscher. "Thanks to our partnerships with industry leaders, USITT is providing a variety of training opportunities at locations around the county."
For RC4's training -- November 20 at California State University in LA and November 25 at The Alley Theatre in Houston – "electricians and propsmasters will benefit from a basic electricity and electronics refresher course," using RC4's wireless products, with a focus on bandwidth and frequency management and battery maintenance. "Attendees will walk away with a metric ton of widely applicable information," promises RC4 President and Chief Product Designer James David Smith, who will teach the class with propsmaster Sean Dane.
Audio designers and programmers interested in the latest QLab3 software can get a complete tour of its capabilities and a discussion of techniques and concepts at Figure 53's December 30 workshop at The Shakespeare Theatre Company in D.C. Presenters Sam Kusnetz, a sound and projection designer, and Andy Lang, sound designer and computer systems specialist, will guide attendees in exploring QLab3 and its many uses in designing, programming, managing, and fine-tuning productions.
For more information on USITT Presents, contact Christine Troscher, or visit
USITT launched USITT Presents early this year to help members stay on top of the latest equipment and techniques in their fields with low-cost year-round training opportunities around the country. One of the first was a two-day Studio Gear Hog4 Training in Milwaukee, leading up to USITT's 2013 Annual Conference & Stage Expo last March.
That session sold out to rave reviews, so Studio Gear expanded to the three day seminar for the December 6-8 training at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, led by lighting specialists Mike Atkins and Tim Cooksy. Day One starts with a 4-to-8 p.m. session on set-up and troubleshooting of a complex automated lighting and media server show; Day Two will squeeze the Hog 4 Console Training into an accelerated 12-hour day, and Day Three will offer attendees design and programming exercises to practice what they learned.