News & Notices
Six Elected to USITT Board – Nominate Now for 2014

Paul Brunner

Tayneshia Jefferson

Michael Katz

Elynmarie Kazle

Robert Scales

Kim Scott
The USITT election process for 2013 has closed with more than 20 percent of members casting ballots to determine who will serve three-year terms on the Board of Directors.
Paul Brunner, Tayneshia Jefferson, Michael Katz, Elynmarie Kazle, Robert Scales, and Kim Scott will take office July 1. The elections were certified by Sherry Wagner-Henry, Secretary and Chair of the Nominations Committee. No officer positions were on the ballot during this election cycle.
“The level of participation by our membership shows that they have a strong commitment to the organization and a desire to be involved in its direction,” Ms. Wagner-Henry said. “Members understand that their elected leadership provides direction to USITT’s future.”
Now that the 2013 elections have concluded, Ms. Wagner-Henry and the Nominations Committee are already considering the slate for 2014.
Candidates are being sought for President-Elect, who will serve a one year term and then succeed to the presidency in 2015. Also on the ballot will be the offices of Secretary, Vice-President for International Activities, Vice-President for Commissions, Vice-President for Conferences, and six seats on the Board of Directors. All will serve three-year terms.
All nominations will be reviewed by the committee at the 2013 Annual Conference & Stage Expo, so submissions should be made by March 1. Nomination forms and further information on the process can be found here.
Anyone wishing further information about the nominations process should visit the website under the About Us menu and click on the Election Process tab. For additional information or to discuss a nomination procedure, contact Ms. Wagner-Henry at Self-nominations are strongly encouraged, she noted.
Duties of the officers:
- President-Elect: He or she shall have those duties as assigned by the President and the By-Laws and shall serve in this office for a term of one year. He or she shall be an ex officio member of all committees on which the President sits ex officio.
- Secretary: acts as secretary for all meetings of the members, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee and shall keep the minutes. The Secretary notifies members of special and annual meetings and records those proceedings. The Secretary chairs the Nominations Committee and is an ex officio member of the Committee on By-Laws.
- Vice-President for International Activities: chairs the International Committee and oversees international projects undertaken by the Institute such as planning and execution of entries into the Prague Quadrennial, International Conference programming, and other international projects.
- Vice-President for Commissions: the officer responsible for the Commissions which are devoted to investigation and research for the Institute, including development, operation, and dissemination of information of the various Commissions.
- Vice-President for Conferences: responsible for the planning and administration of the Annual Conference & Stage Expo and chairs the Annual Conference & Stage Expo Committee.
The Secretary and all Vice-Presidents also perform other duties as may be assigned by the Bylaws, the Board of Directors, and/or the President.
“Once we have collected the names of all those interested in this higher level of service to the Institute,” Ms. Wagner-Henry said, “we take the time to review each candidate and then present a balanced slate to the general membership from which they can make choices.”
Once the Nominations Committee finalizes the slate and candidates have confirmed they will run, that slate is announced and members can add other candidates by petition.
For complete information, view the USITT Bylaws online here.