Conference & Stage Expo
USITT Site for Behind the Scenes Activities
The efforts of many volunteers and the generosity of donors resulted in more than $45,000 being added to the coffers of Behind the Scenes during the Long Beach 2012 Conference & Stage Expo.
The Long Reach Long Riders and the ESTA Foundation's joint raffle and live auction raised just over $9,800 in raffle ticket sales and BTS and LRLR-branded swag.
Prize winners are Dinna Myers -- Apollo Design Technology's Smart Move DMX gobo rotator; Byrne Blackwood -- Barbizon's technician's tool kit; Patrick Finn -- gasoline gift certificate from J.R. Clancy; Sheryl Sturges -- iPad2 16GB from Musson Theatrical; Spencer Lyons -- gift certificate; Bill Beautyman -- Sapsis Rigging gift certificate; both Alexandria Vazquez and Jeff Flowers – USITT Annual Conference & Stage Expo 2013 registrations; and Janice Robillard -- three pair of tickets to the Utah Shakespearean Festival.
The Grand Prize, Vectorworks Spotlight with Renderworks, went to Bruce Krempetz.
Pre-raffle activities included the traditional kazoo parade, presentation of donations from fundraising activities by and the Penn State Chapter of USITT; give-aways for the crowd provided by Wenger and InterAmerica Stage; and a live auction of four tickets to a Yankees home game donated by Jessie Friend and Lee Filters, two tickets to the Broadway production of Nice Work If You Can Get It donated by Local One IATSE, and custom made walnut pens and a wine bottle stopper donated by Trish and Shan Ayers.
BTS expressed special thanks to USITT, Alice Neff, Greg Williams, Patt and Frank Stewart, Bill Sapsis, Moe Conn, Stage Equipment & Lighting, Shepard Exposition Services, the donors of fabulous prizes, and all who bought raffle tickets, auction items, and swag.

ETC CEO Fred Foster presented a check for nearly $26,000 to Behind the Scenes, which reflected ongoing proceeds from sales of ETC's iRFR and aRFR (Radio Focus Remote) application for iPhone, iPod Touch, and Android. The donation brings ETC's total Behind the Scenes contributions to date to almost $77,000.
This app was developed by ETC software engineer Chris Mizerak as a cool tool that ETC thought some might find interesting. When another employee in ETC's London office (Luke Delwiche) suggested that ETC give the profits to Behind the Scenes and its UK counterpart Light Relief, Fred Foster readily agreed. Since then, sales of the app have exceeded expectations and both charities have benefited greatly.

Rosco Laboratories presented a check for the fourth annual royalty payment to Behind the Scenes from sales of the color Roscolux 359 Medium Violet for $2,174. Mark Engle, President of Rosco, said when he presented the check, "When we donate the proceeds from Rosco 359 Medium Violet to Behind the Scenes each year, we are reminded of the tight bond within our industry. Designers choose this color and in return, Rosco helps their colleagues in need." This year's donation brings the total to more than $10,000.
Individuals or companies can support Behind the Scenes by making donations online at or by calling 212-244-1421.