Seeking Donations for Costume Design & Technology Award
This letter was sent to the members of the Costume Design & Technology Commission seeking support and that appeal is now extended to all members of USITT.
The Zelma H. Weisfeld Costume Design & Technology Award is given to a current graduate student who has demonstrated excellence or outstanding potential in the area of costume design or technology in the performing arts. Over the past seven years, outstanding young costume designers and technicians have been recognized with this award. As I am sure you are aware, very few awards of this nature are available to graduate students studying costume and we are all very grateful for Ms. Weisfeld’s generosity in creating this prestigious award.
In order to increase this award so that in the future two awards might be given when needed, the Costume Design & Technology Commission, working with the Institute, has taken on an active role in fundraising. I am writing to ask you to help grow this award. Simply write out a tax–deductible check in the amount you wish to contribute to “The USITT New Century Fund/The Zelma Weisfeld Award” and know that you have helped to support talented costume students who are just beginning to pursue their goals and dreams in the costuming profession.
As I am sure you are aware, the fund is only sufficient to support one award per year. When we have strong design and strong technology candidates, it is very difficult to choose. Our long-term goal is to be able to recognize both areas when and if two strong candidates present themselves. All gifts will be used to increase the principle of the fund supporting the awards.
You can make your tax-deductible gift go even farther. Ms. Weisfeld, who established this prestigious award, will match any contributions made before December 1, 2004. By working together, we can enhance this fine program, so the talents of both a young costume designer and a young costume technologist will be recognized each year.
Please make out your check to:
The USITT New Century Fund/The Zelma Weisfeld Award
And send your tax-deductible contribution to:
6443 Ridings Road
Syracuse, NY 13206-1111
If you prefer to make a donation via credit card, call the USITT office at 1-800-938-7488.
Thank you in advance for your generosity,
Patricia Martin, Commissioner
Costume Design & Technology
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