Sightlines Goes Totally Electronic
Barbara E.R. Lucas
Public Relations & Marketing Manager
It is with a mixture of sadness and anticipation that we produce the last printed issue of Sightlines. Sadness because this medium of print on paper has served us well for many years. Anticipation because of what the new electronic version will make possible. Members have had the opportunity to see the newest evolution of Sightlines since March, when the electronic version was introduced. It offers all of the newsletter’s current features, plus many new possibilities, including full color and faster delivery into members’ hands.
Each month, a new issue of Sightlines will be available at Bookmarking the site on a favorite computer browser will mean almost instant access to news about USITT and fellow members. The goal is to have the issue posted at least two weeks before its published date, so the July issue will be available around June 15.
As a reminder, members will receive an e-mail each month with the web address and link to the site. The e-mail also includes a membership number, which is used to log in to the site. Each member’s last name, case sensitive, is used as the access password. Those members who do not have current e-mail addresses will receive a postcard with the same information.
The efforts of Bobbi Owen, Vice-President for Communication, to create and foster this long-anticipated upgrade of Sightlines are to be commended. While the project has been discussed for several years, Ms. Owen took the lead on moving it forward, and has been the driving force to make it a reality.
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