USITT Membership Dues
Provide Fiscal Fitness
Elynmarie Kazle
VP Membership & Development
Michelle L. Smith
Membership & Ad Sales Manager
USITT strives to exercise sound financial planning while continuing to provide members with needed benefits and services.
Several years ago USITT’s leadership decided to implement modest dues increases on a regular basis so the organization could keep pace with inflation, maintain existing services, and continue to offer new benefits. In keeping with this long-term plan, the Board of Directors approved new member dues rates effective July 1, 2004 (see box). A regular cycle of modest increases allows USITT to avoid imposing drastic increases when economic times become difficult, such as they have in the industry and many parts of the world in recent history. In fact, this is the first increase in three years. The association is already using your dues to serve you better.
Recognizing the professional diversity of our membership, USITT has committed leadership and financial support to two different programs that will speak to the needs of many of our members in design or technical disciplines.
Membership support is helping launch the first-ever World Stage Design exhibition. This international exhibition will provide member designers with another opportunity, in addition to USITT-sponsored exhibitions like Cover the Walls and Design Expo, to display their work and advance their professional standing.
Membership support also makes it possible for USITT to help ESTA create and implement the Entertainment Technician Certification Program. This program will return tremendous benefits to members in technical disciplines by creating safer workplaces, and offering them tangible proof of skills and knowledge to share with potential employers.
In addition to these ground-breaking programs, USITT is also rolling out a new and improved member newsletter. After the June issue, Sightlines will be strictly an electronic publication. This innovation allows us to bring you news faster and more efficiently. As a perfect complement to the electronic newsletter, USITT will soon unveil a completely re-vamped web site. The new site represents a dramatic improvement and lays a foundation for improved member services. Stay tuned to electronic Sightlines for news of these developments.
As dues-paying members, the USITT leadership appreciates how tempting it can be for individuals to save money by forgoing a “discretionary” item like membership in a professional association.
We can also tell you that compared to the dues and benefits packages offered by professional associations in other industries, USITT is a bargain. We hope you think so too and will continue your membership.
To make comments or suggestions about membership issues, contact me at 330-836-2323 ext. 13 ( Ohio) or, or contact Membership & Ad Sales Manager Michelle L. Smith at 800-938-7488 or
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