News & Notices
Promote Your Book at USITT 2016!

Author Delbert Hall at USITT 2015
If you’ve written a recent book, don’t miss out on a great opportunity to promote it at USITT 2016!
USITT member authors get to be part of an exciting book-signing event at the Salt Palace Convention Center, just a few steps from Stage Expo and the USITT Bookstore!
Books must be available by Dec. 31 to be included. Please email to sign up!
Vote for Your Board! Balloting Closes Dec. 10
All USITT members in good standing should have received an email with instructions on how to vote for six new members of the Board of Directors. There are 12 candidates willing to put in the time and effort to ensure the success of the Institute, so choose the next round of Board members by Dec. 10. They will serve from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019.
Emails with candidate bios and voting instructions were sent out Oct. 30. Paper ballots may also be requested. Contact Shannan Hoerger at with any questions.
Jan. 15 Deadline to Apply for USITT Sound Inclusion Initiative Scholarship
USITT’s Sound Design & Technology Commission is accepting applications through Jan. 15 for a new scholarship for early career sound professionals who are underrepresented in the field. The Sound Inclusion Initiative Scholarship will help defray the cost of attending USITT 2016 in Salt Lake City for a young designer/technician.
The selected participant will attend workshops, network with industry professionals, showcase skills, receive mentoring from veteran sound designers and educators, and join in Sound Commission planning sessions.
Interested candidates should provide a current resume, examples of work through an online portfolio, and two references who can attest to work and interest in the fieldof sound.
The scholarship includes free registration to the Conference as well as money to help cover transportation and housing. Send application materials to Sarah Pickett at
ANSI Approves Two PLASA Standards, Withdraws Third
ANSI's Board of Standards Review recently approved the reaffirmation of the 2010 edition of ANSI E1.30-4, EPI 26, Device Description Language (DDL) Extensions for DMX512 and E1.31 Devices, and the revised version of ANSI E1.37-2, Entertainment Technology - Additional Message Sets for ANSI E1.20 (RDM) - Part 2, IPv4 & DNS Configuration Messages.
Both standards are now published. They may be downloaded at no charge here; the free download is sponsored by Prosight Specialty Insurance. The standards also may be purchased from ANSI and IHS.
The ANSI Board of Standards Review approved PLASA North America's withdrawal of ANSI E1.45 - 2013, Unidirectional Transport of IEEE 802 data frames over ANSI E1.11 (DMX512-A) because it does not comply with PLASA's patent policy regarding protected intellectual property. There are patents issued in Korea and in the United States that cover key parts of the standard.
For more information, contact Karl Ruling, PLASA technical standards manager, at
Stage Lighting Super Saturday & Stage Sound Super Sunday Jan. 9-10 in NYC
USITT all-stars including Fellow Richard Pilbrow and USITT Award winner Jennifer Tipton will present at Stage Lighting Super Saturday in New York City on Jan. 9.
The event is produced by USITT Lighting Design and Technology Commission member Scott Parker and USITT Fellow Sonny Sonnenfeld, who will receive the 2016 Distinguished Achievement in Lighting Design award at USITT 2016 in March.
The 11th annual all-day Super Saturday lighting workshop will be followed by the first-ever all-day sound workshop on Sunday, Jan. 10. Both workshops will be held at NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts in Greenwich Village.
Pilbrow will speak about his lighting design work on the My Fair Lady 60th anniversary re-creation of the original production directed by Julie Andrews at the Sydney Opera House in August 2016. Tony-winning LD Tipton will deliver the Saturday keynote.
On Sunday, Broadway sound pro Jim van Bergen and industry experts will cover Sound Design 101, Analog & Digital Sound Boards, Microphones, Amps and more. Sponsors include USITT industry members ETC, ACT Lighting, Lectrosonics, and Lycian Stage Lighting.
The cost of each workshop is $125; sign up for both by Dec. 20 and receive half off the second workshop. Click here for more info or to register. USITT members, contact Scott Parker at for discount codes.