News & Notices
Seek Travel Award Applications
Individual, Early Career, and Professional members of USITT may apply for the 2012 Individual/Professional International Travel Award by checking the USITT website beginning October 1.
The award winner will receive travel support up to $2,500. Applications are due by December 8, and the selection will be announced January 10. Travel needs to be completed within one year of receiving the award. Click here for additional details and application form.

Treva Reimer, a member of the USITT International Committee, congratulates Rusty Cloyes, the 2010 International Travel Award recipient.
Photo/USITT Archives
The International Committee sponsors two awards for international travel with support from the Samuel H. Scripps International Fund. In odd numbered years, the award is designated for student members. For projects to be executed in even numbered years, Individual, Early Career, and Professional members are invited to apply. USITT supports and encourages enhancing its global interactions through participation in OISTAT programs, the Prague Quadrennial, and inviting international presenters to share their perspectives in conference programming. This award is designed to further international connections and understanding through theatre-related research or activities for members to pursue overseas.
This honor was first bestowed in 2006, enabling Frank Mohler to travel to the Czech Republic’s famous theatre in Cesky Krumlov to complete his examination of the mechanical systems of extant European Baroque era theatres. A goal for this award is to build on an existing area of specialty by enhancing it through contacts in the wider world. A range of projects fulfill the specifications of this award, including travel to exhibitions, productions, and collections for purposes of research or design. The winner will be asked to share his project with the membership through a Conference session or article.
Rusty Cloyes, production/technical direction, University of Texas Austin, Department of Theatre & Dance, was selected as the winner of the 2010 USITT Member International Travel Award. Mr. Cloyes applied to develop and pursue a production curriculum for children at El Colegio del Cuerpo in Colombia. Mr Cloyes received his award in Kansas City, Missouri during the USITT Conference & Stage Expo.