October 2011

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October 2011

News From

Around the Institute

Rising Star Updates Institute

We received an update from  Daniel Brodie who wrote, “I wanted to thank you, and USITT, again for the great honor of the Rising Star award this year.”  While we appreciate the thanks, the even better news is that Daniel has signed the contract for his first Broadway design, for Godspell.

To share in his success, and see some of his great designs, visit brodiegraphics.com.

A Member in 2020?

Congratulations to Panela Leung and her husband, Tim Forsythe, on the birth of Evelyn Jin Forsythe. Pan, who is a member of USITT's Board of Directors, welcomed Evelyn on August 25. The new arrival weighed eight pounds, eight ounces.


Rocks Melted in Syracuse

When things are hot in Syracuse, they get really hot. At the conclusion of the elected officers’ retreat in August, the entire group was invited to Syracuse University to watch Bob Wysocki, a professor in the sculpture department, and his earth science colleagues pour molten lava.  At first, the rocks were not melting properly, so the heat was raised to 1,500 Celsius and then cooled to the “perfect” temperature for both art and science.

The combination of art and science is a very public event, and the “pours” attract crowds when they are announced.  This was a smaller event, in honor of USITT President Joe Aldridge, who first met Bob when both were teaching at UNLV.  Mr. Wysocki named the August event the Aldridge pour.

50 Years with USITT

Congratulations to Dick Land of Belmont, Massachusetts on 50 years of USITT membership. He joined in 1961, at Julliard in New York City, and has been participating ever since. We appreciate his continued support and involvement.