News From Joe Aldridge, USITT President
Successful Meetings, LDI Presence Appreciated

Wishing all a peaceful and enjoyable holiday season.
Photo/Joe Aldridge - Hawaii, 2010
The Board of Directors and committee meetings in Las Vegas, Nevada in October went very well. The Finance Committee met and began to work on a preliminary budget that will be presented prior to the Board meetings in Charlotte. The Publications Committee also met and began to work on plans for the upcoming year.
The full Board convened on October 22 at 1:30 p.m. with all of the Board members as well as a number of USITT members attending. It adjourned at 4:30 p.m. and reassembled on Saturday, October 23. For the first part of Saturday, the Board met with a special guest, USITT Attorney Holly Hoehner. This was the first opportunity for the majority of the Board (myself included) to meet Ms. Hoehner. On previous occasions we have had our accountants as guests, so it was fitting that Ms. Hoehner meet with the Board. In the hour allotted, she gave us the “Reader’s Digest” version of the fiduciary responsibilities of not-for-profit board members, described her experience in this arena, and fielded questions from the Board. She is well versed in New York State law concerning not-for-profit organizations such as USITT, and provides us with the advice and guidance needed to make certain that we are in compliance. At the conclusion of the retreat, the Board meeting reconvened and successfully completed all of the items on the agenda. Having been a member of the Board for some time now, I feel that the membership has once again selected a Board that is as strong and diverse as any Board in recent history. I look forward to continuing to work with each and every one of them.
USITT was well represented at LDI with an abbreviated,
yet stunning booth. I want to thank the folks at SteelDeck for their generous
assistance and support with the USITT booth. As do many of
our members, Steel Deck went above and beyond the call in assisting at LDI.
Also, thanks to the fine folks at James Thomas for allowing us to use their
exhibit as a vantage point where photos could be taken.
As the Holiday Season approaches, I encourage you to take time to count your blessings. If you have the means to help any of our less fortunate members, do so. Don’t do it because I encourage it; do it because it is the right thing to do.
We'd like to hear your comments on this story.
Please e-mail Joe at