News From David Grindle, USITT Executive Director
Have a Voice - Vote!
One of my favorite movies is The Queen starring Helen Mirren. In this
film, she portrays Queen Elizabeth II at the time Tony Blair is elected
and Princess Diana dies in Paris, two monumental events in the late 20th
century for the people of the United Kingdom. The film opens with a discussion
between the Queen and one of her footmen as she asks him about voting, something
she is not allowed to do. She comments to him what a privilege it is to
have a voice in your government since she has none.
USITT is entering into its annual election cycle where the membership has the opportunity to vote for officers and directors. These are the people who make the decisions about where your dues go, what programs are supported, and the direction the Institute is headed. They are the people who make the decisions that dictate the priorities the staff and I focus upon in the day-to-day operations of the Institute. A prime example is the directive from Board President Joe Aldridge to me, “Focus on the membership.” A broad mandate, but one with a great deal of focus for everyone. Different officers offer different priorities and focuses, and those officers come from the election by the members.
We don’t have nearly enough of our members voting. Honestly, less than 20 percent of active members vote for the elected leadership of this organization. So, actually, your vote counts and counts a lot. Read the slate of candidates and vote for the ones you think will provide the best leadership. The information is out there and easily accessible. These folks are all committed to the Institute, come from various parts of the industry and academia, and all want to see the organization flourish but have different points of view.
I’m pleased to say that we have a great list from which to choose. All of us in the National Office are excited about the opportunity to work with any of them. I’ve said that membership comes with privileges and obligations. Everyone loves the good parts and think that others can take care of the not-so-fun things like voting. Not true. Take the time to vote for your elected leadership. Let every voice be heard, one vote at a time. Click here for instructions on how to vote now.
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