Winston Morgan, right, was not only the recipient of an award, but
helped give one as well. At the 2005 Annual Conference in Toronto, Ontario,
he helped present the Stage Dec Stage Management Award to Rachael King with Bob Thurston,
center, from Stage Dec.
by Cynthia Poulson
Vice-Commissioner, Management Commission
Morgan Inspiring in Toronto
The Management Commission presented the 2005 Distinguished Stage Manager award to Canadian Equity Stage Manager Winston Morgan in Toronto. Mr. Morgan, who has had an almost 30-year career in theatre and arts management, graciously thanked the Commission and the Board of Directors for the honor.
Mr. Morgan has stage managed his way across Canada working for many of the country's most prestigious theatres and with many of Canada's leading playwrights. He has stage managed the classics, new plays, children's theatre, and musicals. His stage management skill has translated into work for television, live events, teaching at area universities and colleges, participating in the USITT Stage Management Mentor Program, and serving as associate director for the Toronto International Film Festival. He has been a member of Canadian Actors' Equity negotiation team and this year was elected as a CAEA councilor.
Mr. Morgan's commitment to young stage managers resulted in the creation of a training conference, S.M. Arts, in 1996. Since then, he has held nine conferences in Toronto and one each in Vancouver, Regina, Edmonton, and Montreal. As an offshoot of the conference Mr. Morgan wrote and published a book, Stage Managing the Arts in Canada, which has been adopted by many training institutions in Canada. He has received numerous awards for his contribution to the Toronto theatre community and for his local and national efforts to provide training and assistance to stage managers.
The Management Commission could not be more pleased to add another award to those who have already recognized this exceptional man. What the award or this article cannot really do is elucidate the character of this man, who has such a kind heart and generous spirit. Mr. Morgan is a talented stage manager, a gifted teacher and mentor, and a consummate professional.
The award reads: "In recognition of an outstanding stage management career in the Canadian theatre, from Vancouver Island in the west to Prince Edward Island in the east, with many stops in between; of the founding and successful growth of the S.M. Arts Conference, offering courses for professional and amateur stage managers, and leading to the publication of his best-selling book, Stage Managing the Arts in Canada; and of his contributions to the Toronto International Film Festival, Canadian Actors' Equity, and especially to the Toronto theatre community, where he has been recognized by his peers with numerous awards."
Cynthia Poulson, Vice Commissioner for Stage Management, presented the award to Mr. Morgan at the Management Commission meeting March 17. Board President John Uthoff acknowledged the award at the closing banquet on March 19. Mr. Morgan's thank you at the banquet included generous recognition of the Stage Management Mentoring Project, as he recalled his involvement with the project at the 1999 Toronto conference, and offered continuing encouragement to young stage managers.
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