Rigging Exam Planned
Applications Available
As discussed at the USITT Conference, the Entertainment Technician Certification Program (ETCP) Council has released the rigging candidate handbook and application forms.
The first ETCP rigging examinations (arena and theatre) will be held in November 2005 in conjunction with the ETS-LDI trade show. Candidate information, including eligibility requirements and application forms, are available on the ETCP website.
All experienced riggers are invited to take the industry's first rigging certification exam. The rigging certifications are designed for highly experienced riggers (rigging supervisors, high steel riggers, flypersons, etc). Qualified riggers can apply for either one or both exams. Individuals must meet eligibility requirements to apply.
Candidates who pass the examinations will be the first ETCP Certified Riggers in North America and will be acknowledged as the only members of the "Class of 2005" on the ETCP website.
The ETCP rigging examinations are designed to test a well-defined body of knowledge representative of current professional rigging practices. Successful completion of a certification examination verifies broad-based knowledge in rigging. Information regarding the content of the examinations is available in the candidate handbook.
The content for the examinations is based on a job analysis performed by 24 subject matter experts under the guidance of a professional psychometric firm along with input from hundreds of riggers across North America.
Those who would like the examination information and application forms mailed or e-mailed to them, should contact Katie Geraghty, ETCP Certification Director, at 212-244-1505 or kgeraghty@esta.org.
Flyer Available
A flyer promoting the rigging certification exams is available for download here.
The ETCP Council members are key leaders drawn from entertainment business, labor, facilities, associations, and academia representing the diversity of the entertainment industry. Membership includes AMPTP, CITT, CCE, ESTA, IAAM, IATSE, InfoComm/ICIA, PRG, TEA, and USITT.
League Joins Council
The council was recently enlarged when the League of American Theatres and Producers (the League) accepted a seat. The League is the national trade association for the Broadway industry. The League's 500-plus members include theatre owners and operators, producers, presenters, and general managers in over 140 North American cities, as well as suppliers of goods and services to the theatre industry.
Seth Popper, Director of Labor Relations, will serve as the League’s principal representative to the Council. "As an organization committed to the presentation of the best of live theatre, I am pleased to represent the League on the ETCP Council, which shares this commitment through the development of standards for the talented professionals working in theatre," commented Seth Popper. Information about the League is available at www.livebroadway.com.
Bibliography Available
In a related move, the ESTA Foundation's Seminars & Training Committee has posted a bibliography of rigging reference materials at http://www.esta.org/teched/seminarsandtraining.html to assist the industry in readily locating resources related to rigging. Featuring subjects like general and stage rigging, stagecraft, ropes and knots, and structural engineering, this bibliography includes books, articles, standards, and other materials to create a comprehensive list of rigging standards and techniques. A list of rigging seminars, workshops and other educational programs relevant to rigging is also posted on the site.
The Seminars & Training Committee intends to update the listing periodically as new information is provided and encourages members of the industry to submit relevant items for posting.
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