July 2016

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July 2016


USITT Vice Commissioner Of Pre-Conference Events Opening

Jenny Kenyon Costume Commissioner

This is the final year that Kevin McCluskey will serve as VICE-COMMISSIONER OF PRE-CONFERENCE EVENTS for the Costume Design & Technology Commission. In order to smooth the transition for the next Vice Commissioner, the Commission leadership has decided to solicit applications this summer and vote in August. The new VC will then be able to “shadow” Kevin during the planning for the 2017 St. Louis Pre-Conference Events and preparations for the 2017 Costume Symposia before taking the mantle of responsibility in June 2017.

This Vice-Commissioner assists in the planning and execution of Professional Development Workshops prior to and during the annual Conference, in planning and execution of the Costume Symposia (which normally occurs in July), and in planning and execution of any Study Tours that the Costume Design & Technology Commission creates throughout the year. As with all the Costume Commission Leadership positions, this is a volunteer position with no financial recompense. The position is a 3-year term, which may be renewed for a total of six years. Obligations include attendance at the national Conference when possible, attendance at PDWs when possible, and attendance at Costume Symposia when possible. In addition, the VC is responsible for assisting members in completing the information and forms needed for the programming of all PDWs, Costume Symposia, and Study Tours. This leadership position has obligations throughout the year. Steady communication and a keen respect for deadlines is imperative.

If you are interested in being considered for this position, please send a letter of intent to Jenny Kenyon, Costume Design & Technology Commissioner, at jenkenyon@aol.com by August 1, 2016. Please list any leadership roles you have had on the Commission, within USITT in general, or in the costume community. The Commission Leadership will review the letters and voting will follow.