News & Notices
USITT Seeks Architecture Awards Submissions
USITT is accepting submissions through Sept. 1 for its 2017 Architecture Awards to honor outstanding performance spaces completed in the past 10 years.

2016 Honor Winner, The Theatre School at DePaul University, Chicago
The awards program is sponsored by the USITT Architecture Commission to reward excellence in design of contemporary theatre projects by professional architects and consultants. New or renovated buildings housing performance spaces are eligible to enter if completed since Jan. 1, 2007. Submit a project here.
A panel of professional adjudicators will choose from submissions based on creativity, contextual resonance, functional operation, use of new technology, and community contribution. Merit Awards or the top award, Honor Awards, will be presented at USITT 2017 in St. Louis, MO, in March.
Three performances spaces received 2016 Honor Awards: The Theatre School at DePaul University in Chicago, the Everyman Theatre in Liverpool, UK, and the Salle de Spectacles de Mont-Laurier in Quebec, Canada.
Merit Awards for 2016 went to the Performing Arts Center at the State University of New York at Potsdam and Stavanger Concert Hall in Norway.
USITT considers theatre architecture to be an important aspect of performing arts design and technology. The Institute established the professional architecture awards in 1964 to recognize theatre architecture as a unique discipline and interest architects in designing for performing arts spaces.
For more info on the awards and how to submit, visit