News & Notices
World Events for Members

Several upcoming events, international and national, will interest USITT members. Some of the events are sponsored by the Institute.
- July 1 Costume at the Turn of the Century exhibition deadlineMoscow, Russia; Igor Roussanoff, exhibition curator; Laura Crow, Sandy Bonds, and Susan Tsu, USITT contacts.
- July 14, USITT-USA PQ 2015 National Exhibition submission deadline
- August 10-15, OISTAT E-Scapes: The Exploration of Escaping Traditional Boundaries of Performance & Design
Research, Performance Design, & Education Commission Meeting, São Paulo, Brazil - August 14-16, Rendez-vous Annual Conference & Trade Show
Canadian Institute for Theatre Technology, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. - September 7-9, Spark! Entertainment Innovation Symposium
sponsored by USITT; University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Winston-Salem, North Carolina (@ UNCSA). - October 3-8, OISTAT Publication & Communication Meeting
Taipei, Taiwan - October 10-14, Beijing Central Beijing International Biennale 2014
Academy of Drama, Beijing, China, and OISTAT. - October 15, USITT-USA PQ 2015 Student Exhibition deadline.
- October 31, Prague Quadrennial proposal deadline for DISK Performances, Street Performances, Objects Exhibition, Makers Exhibition, and Tribes Exhibition.