July 2012

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July 2012

News & Notices

Seek Golden Pen Nominations

Mike Monsos Golden Pen Award Committee

"Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers."
― Charles William Eliot

Joseph Urban by John Loring won USITT's 2012 Golden Pen award. Buy it by calling the USITT office at 800-938-7488, ext 104.

Each year, USITT presents the great opportunity to recognize one of these "friends" through the Golden Pen Award. This recognition honors outstanding publications in the field of design and production for the performing arts as well as the history and documentation of theatre and theatre design.

Many people have a personal library which is used to draw inspiration, knowledge and research. Perhaps there is a recently-published tome in that collection that is of such sublime quality that it should be shared with the members of the Institute.

The committee seeks books published in the last three years that have made a significant contribution to any aspect of theatre design and technology and are much too valuable a resource not to recognize. The previous list of Golden Pen winners such as Joseph Urban by John Loring, Making the Scene: A History of Stage Design and Technology by Oscar Brockett, George Tsypin Opera Factory: Building in the Black Void by George Tyspin, and M. Tabacki: a Design Monograph by Gordana Popovic Vasic and Iring Subotic can all be considered "must-haves" for university library holdings as well as personal collections.

Nominations for the 2013 Golden Pen will be accepted from USITT members through August 15 by clicking here. The Golden Pen winner should provide an outstanding example of scholarly research and critical thinking, presentation of the work and methodology of exceptional theatrical practitioners, or description of the methods, skills, and technology involved in creating works of theatre.

Once nominated, the Golden Pen Subcommittee reads, analyzes, tabulates, and reports to the Publications Committee which forwards recommendations to the Awards & Resolutions Committee for action by the Board of Directors. Books that are chosen as Golden Pen winners are added to the USITT marketplace where they can be easily obtained at a discounted price. Call 800-938-7488 to purchase recent Golden Pen books. Authors as well as subjects of books are invited to attend the annual conference.

For more information about the Golden Pen, contact either the office at info@office.usitt.org or Mike Monsos, Chair of the Golden Pen Sub-committee at michael.monsos@umontana.edu.