News & Notices
Fellows Found During Contest

USITT President Joe Aldridge pulls the winning names in the Find a Fellow contest on the last day of the 2012 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Long Beach, California.
Photo/Tom Thatcher
The clamor heard from the student members at the Long Beach 2012 Conference & Stage Expo indicated the Fellows had been found!
A great number of enthusiastic student members entered the Find a Fellow contest, and 40 were successful in identifying and locating all six Fellows. (See the contest form for the correct names of the Fellows and). The completed forms were entered in a prize drawing for two, all-expense-paid mentoring sessions with a Fellow in the student’s area of interest. Under the watchful eye of many Fellows and students, President Joe Aldridge — a Fellow of impeccable credentials — drew the names of two winners.
Eliza Werner and Kristin Sutter are the lucky student. Ms. Werner would like to engage in an exploration of the world of props design and construction, and Ms. Sutter is interested in investigating the inner workings of stage management. These mentoring sessions, offered by the Fellows of USITT, may well be career defining opportunities for these two college students. Funding for this special program is being shared equally through the USITT Budget and individual contributions raised from the Fellows.
The Make It So Working Group of Fellows is responsible to guide this program, select appropriate Fellows who are willing to participate, and assist in scheduling the mentoring trips. Many Fellows were considered and we are very fortunate that two superstar Fellows have agreed to take on this mentoring assignment. The dean of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival design department, Richard Hay, will host Ms. Werner. Ms. Sutter will spend time with Elynmarie Kazel Zimmerman, the Fellow who created USITT’s Stage Management Mentoring Program. We know Eliza and Kristin will take full advantage of these extraordinary opportunities to study with USITT Fellows who are the preeminent practitioners in their field.
As part of their agreement in accepting these mentoring sessions, the young women will each write a narrative report detailing her work to be published in future Sightlines.