News From the Executive Director:
Behind the Scenes at the USITT Office

Seated, from left, Helen Willard, Monica L. Merritt, and Jim Lucas; standing, Tracy Davis, Carol B. Carrigan, David Grindle, and Shannan Hoerger.
Photo/Barbara E.R. Lucas
So, how are you getting along with the staff? It’s a question I’ve gotten several times over the last three months. I love to smile and give the honest answer, “Brilliantly!”
Since starting as Executive Director in May, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know better the staff of the National Office. As a Vice-Commissioner I had worked with most of the staff in some form or other, but I had no idea the volume of work, carried on with a smile, that the staff did.
So what does happen in the so called “slow time?” Honestly, a huge amount of prep for the “not slow time.” These include forms to be designed and prepared, changes to the web, press releases, marketing, planning, end of year accounting, and teaching. With new board members, officers, committee members, and Executive Director, the staff has spent a great amount of time teaching all of us how the Institute runs.
The staff has celebrated when news was received of a member having a baby. They have mourned at the death of members. They have shared smiles and stories when news comes to the office of good things for members they don’t personally know. As I came on board as Executive Director, and Joe Aldridge started as President, we both had the same attitude, “It’s about the members.” The staff had that attitude long before we got to our positions, and that is something that is plain to see.
New member benefits, ad campaigns featuring our members, and projects in the works with affiliate organizations across the country are the visible things that have been done over the summer. But the greatest experience I had over the summer was learning about the six other people I work with on a daily basis and the enthusiasm, care, and concern they all share for the 4,000 of you.
The “slow time” has allowed me and others to be firm on our feet when the tempo increases. It’s great to know that, as you choose to become involved in the Institute, there are people like Barbara, Carol, Jim, Monica, Shannan, and Tracy waiting to help you. I know I, along with the elected leadership, find great peace in that knowledge and you should, too.