Hoozdo, or "the Place Is Hot" -- for Jobs
Patricia Angotti
Director, THEatre SERVICE
According to Wickipedia, Phoenix was incorporated in 1881 and called Hoozdo, or "the place is hot."
In the ancient Navaho language, Hoozdo describes the extreme heat at the site of present day Phoenix. Luckily, March is a mild time of year -- unless you participate in THEatre Conference Employment SERVICE where the jobs are hot and the large pool of eager and highly qualified job seekers is even hotter.
THEatre Conference Employment SERVICE (TCES) can be a best friend and ally in helping to efficiently network and navigate through the trauma of finding that perfect job or, for employers, that perfect hire. TCES is designed to carefully and efficiently match employer and applicant while easing the stress and tension associated with job hunting and employment service activities.
Key to that network is a fully computerized system listing available job opportunities, posting applicant resumes, and scheduling interviews between job seekers and prospective employers. Great care is taken to schedule interviews conveniently around other conference sessions and workshops participants may wish to attend. The atmosphere is low key with a friendly TCES staff of theatre professionals available to offer advice and provide personal assistance.
Two different levels of participation are available with TCES: one for those offering or seeking professional employment and another for non-professional summer theatre jobs, internships, or graduate assistantships. Because the service works to match appropriate jobs with qualified people, employers and those seeking employment are urged to sign up early. (Fees are lower for early registration, too.) Complete information and TCES registration forms are available online here or by calling 800-93USITT. To contact TCES staff directly by email, write to ts@evansville.edu or call 317-826-7894.
USITT contracts with THEatre SERVICE to provide TCES so potential employees and employers have a safe and professionally organized environment. Fees are well within reach of the majority of the membership because USITT underwrites TCES as a membership benefit and valuable service for conference attendees.
Job postings are not allowed on the message boards and will be removed. Those with job postings should take advantage of what TCES has to offer for very reasonable fees. For the safety of the applicants and to protect the membership, interviews are not permitted in hotel rooms.
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