Lighting Commission:
Update on Special Projects
Vickie Scott
Lighting Vice-Commissioner for Special Projects
Special, adj. 1. of a distinct or particular kind. 2. different from what is ordinary or usual. 3. peculiar to a particular person, thing, or instance.
Project, noun. 1. something planned. 2. a large or major undertaking. 3. to plan or propose.
As we shift gears into fall, it is time to sift through all of those great ideas that floated through our brains while we enjoyed the sunshine and balmy breezes of summer. As the academic year and production season revs up, this is a terrific time to take a step back from the rat race and begin to organize those fabulous thoughts about lighting and lighting design that popped up during the summer.
The Lighting Design Commission Special Projects arm is intended to act as a jumping off point for projects related to lighting. Special Projects can assist USITT members with everything from commission communications to funding ideas. The catch is, we can't help unless you tell us what you are doing.
What is the status of Lighting's Special Projects?
- The latest revision of the Lighting Graphics Recommended Practice document, USITT RP-2: Recommended Practice for Theatrical Lighting Design Graphics (revision 4), is currently available for review for what is hoped to be the final canvass. Check the August issue of Sightlines to download the document. The final deadline for accepting public comments is 5 p.m. EST October 28.
- The group is also in the process of revising the draft of the Job Descriptions in Lighting for Theatre, Film, and Television document. For a a copy of that draft document, e-mail the address below. Your input is welcome.
- And don't forget the Lighting Design Commission's ongoing Special Project, Light Lab! The Light Lab will be alive, well, and very active in Louisville. The Light Lab Committee is always happy to welcome new Light Lab participants, especially students, into its ranks. Anyone interested in being involved in the Louisville Light Lab, including student volunteers, contact the e-mail address below.
If you have any questions about Lighting Design Commission's Special Projects arm or if you would like to help out with the Light Lab in Louisville, e-mail
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The latest Lighting Graphics Recommended Practice document, excerpted above, is just one of the Lighting Commission's Special Projects. |