ArtSEARCH - The National Employment Bulletin for the Arts
10% discount on subscriptions and 15% discount on advertising (can not be combined with any other discounts). For more information on advertising, visit, e-mail, or call 212-609-5900, ext. 380. For more information on subscribing, visit, or call 212-609-5900, ext. 370. You must identify yourself as a USITT member to receive the discount.
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ArtSEARCH offers USITT members a discount
on either subscribing or advertising.
THEatre JOBLIST - The National Employment Service Billboard for Theatre Arts
20% discount off non-member subscription rate. Over 30% off regular and special advertising rates (for organizational members only). To order or advertise, see the next issue of THEatreJOBLIST, call 317-826-7894, or e-mail Visit for general information.
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Click here for a complete list of member discounts. For instructions on accessing a discount, select the item of interest and enter user name (USITT member number) and password (last name, case specific) at the prompt.
If you have questions or suggestions for a new benefit, contact Membership & Ad Sales Manager Michelle L. Smith at 800-938-7488 or
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