Sightlines Goes Electronic
Barbara E. R. Lucas
Public Relations & Marketing Manager
If some of the news in this issue of Sightlines looks a bit familiar, that's good! For the first time, USITT is delivering news to its members both in print and electronically. Electrons are certainly faster than any postal service.
While we are all used to having a printed piece in our hands, creating an electronic publication opens broader horizons for Institute members. They can refer to an issue more easily. All those links to other sites are sitting right on the monitor, and the information those sites hold is just a click away.
As we move forward, electronic delivery will let USITT get news to you more quickly, and the issues will become more colorful. In looking through the electronic version of Sightlines, please take the time to see how all of the various activities of different segments of the organization intertwine.
USITT is all about networking. An electronic publication allows us to do this better.
Sightlines will be created in both paper and electronic versions for the April/May and June issues, giving all of us a time to transition into this exciting format. As for the current issue, members will receive an e-mail letting them know that a new Sightlines has been published, with links to featured stories. Starting in July, the electronic version will take over as the primary information delivery method for the Institute's newsletter.
Our top priority will continue to be bringing you the same quality news and photos which keep you in touch with each other and the organization. We look forward to making even more improvements in the new Sightlines, just as we have done with the print version.
Please help us as we step further into the electronic future.
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Barbara E. R. Lucas has a familiar face to everyone in USITT. Bobbi Owen, Interim VP for Communications notes that "As the editor of Sightlines, she has been working hard to ensure the transition to the electronic version of the newsletter goes smoothly." |