USITT is One of the Best Deals in American Theatre

I have been fortunate to have a terrific career in the theatre; everything I have is due to the good fortune I have had in our art form.
I believe my good fortune in life requires me to give back so that others, especially young people, may benefit.
I give to "best-of-breed" organizations, and to that end, I give annually to St. Jude's Children's Hospital and to USITT.
My giving to USITT is done on two levels. First, I give annually to the USITT general fund. Then I also support the local USITT Student Chapter at UNCSA.
I am enthusiastic about USITT, and I think it is, dollar-for-dollar, one of the best deals in American Theatre.
Donors from May 16 to June 15, 2015:

Twelfth Night scene chosen by Joe Tilford
Kook Fund
- Alexandra Bonds
- Dennis Dorn
- John Fisher
- Kathleen Geibler
- Andi Lyons
- Sylvia Pannell
- Loren Schreiber
- Charles Williams
New Century Fund
- Andi Lyons
- Bobbi Owen
- Charles Williams
New Century Fund - Diversity
- Andi Lyons
- Michael Mehler
- Linda Pisano
Samuel H. Scripps International Fund
- Alexandra Bonds
- Kevin Rigdon
- Loren Schreiber
- Andi Lyons
- Mark Shanda
General Operations
- Robert Auchter
- William Browning
- Jimmie Byrd
- Daniel Culhane
- Dennis Dorn
- Emily Gill
- David Grindle
- Brent Henry
- Carl Lefko
- Martha Marking
- Sylvia Pannell
- Carolyn Satter
- Robert Scales
- Loren Schreiber
- Sherry Wagner-Henry
- Kimb Williamson
Fellows Fund
- Alexandra Bonds
- Robert Scales
- LeRoy Stoner