News & Notices
LiNK Offers Theatre Grad School Interviews November 14-15 in Atlanta
Aspiring grad students in theatre arts are taking advantage of a new opportunity to interview or audition with several universities in one place this Fall. LiNK, a collaboration between SETC and USITT, will be held November 14-15 at the Atlanta Airport Hilton.

LiNK is an early, affordable interview and networking event for grad school candidates and advanced degree programs in acting/directing, management, and all areas of theatrical design and technology.
The event caters to designers and technicians as well as actors and directors, at a cost of only $40 per candidate and $125 per school. LiNK allows candidates to submit portfolios and resumes online and schedule brief interviews with participating schools in advance, saving time and money.
LiNK also features a Friday night reception, sponsored by Focal Press, for all candidates and school representatives to network and socialize.
Over two dozen schools are represented, including the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Louisiana Tech, Rutgers University, the University of Montana, University of Georgia, Purdue University, Virginia Tech, University of Alabama, and more.
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LiNK provides an alternative interview/audition option for potential students and schools of varying size and geography, said USITT Executive Director David Grindle and SETC Executive Director Betsey Horth. SETC has negotiated a rate below $100 a night at the Atlanta Airport Hilton for LiNK participants.
Actors can audition and interview starting 8 a.m. Friday, Nov. 14. Stage managers, directors, and arts administration candidates interview on Friday afternoon.
Design and tech candidates can interview on Saturday, Nov. 15, in scene design, costume design or technology, lighting design or technology, sound design, stage technology, and technical direction.
Detailed information for candidates in each discipline is available at or