Education Commission Seeks Posters

The Education Poster Session always provokes lively discussion on new ways to teach, or new concepts which can be applied to the process.
Photo/Daryl Pauley
The Education Commission is looking for submissions for its poster session at the 2014 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Fort Worth, Texas. Abstracts should be no more than 200 words in length describing what is to be shared.
These are due by November 4, 2013. The completed poster and any handouts do not need to be ready until February, so submit a proposal now. Many proposals have grown from the poster session to things like articles in TD&T, conference sessions, or working relationships between members sparking years of ideas.
The names or schools of poster session applicants must not be mentioned or appear on or in the abstract. As part of the submission, a separate biography of 50 words is required. Submissions should be sent in an editable format (Word files are ideal).
Posters will be reviewed by a jury of your peers. The jurors will not see the names of the submitter, or the biography. The biographies will be used for the Conference program.
For more information and to submit a poster, go to Education Commission Poster Session web page.
Any questions about proposals should be e-mailed to Dave Navalinsky at