Officers, Directors Chosen For USITT Leadership
Patricia Dennis
USITT Secretary
On December 16, 2004, Secretary Patricia Dennis, President John Uthoff, along with Tom Young and the USITT Staff met in Syracuse at the USITT Office to count ballots and certify the election.
The Institute is grateful for those who were willing to run in this very exciting election, and also thanks members for their willingness to take the time, express preferences, and vote to determine the leadership of the organization.
Newly elected officers all of whom will serve two-year terms are, Kim Williamson, VP Commissions; Joe Aldridge, VP Conferences; Alexandra Bonds, VP International Activities; Elynmarie Kazle, VP Membership and Development; and Patricia Dennis, Secretary.
Sylvia Hillyard Pannell will serve for one year as President-Elect and then serve a two-year term as President of the Institute.
Elected as Directors at Large to serve three year terms are: Ann Archbold, Bill Browning, Dan Culhane, David Krajec, Martha Marking, and Brian Reed. All terms of office will begin July 1, 2005.
The election process for future officers and Directors at Large start even before the 2005 Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Toronto. A form is now available in the Members Only section of the USITT web site, This can be downloaded, filled out, and sent to Bruce Brockman, Chair of Nominations Committee, to suggest an individual to be considered for a position on the 2006 ballot.
At the Conference, members of the Nominations Committee will meet and discuss additional names of potential candidates, and determine the interest level of those whose names have been suggested. For more information on the process, contact Bruce Brockman at
Congratulations to our new officers and Directors at Large!
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Patricia Dennis, USITT Secretary, tallied ballots as part of the annual election process. Ms. Dennis, President John Uthoff, and Tom Young were in Syracuse to count ballots and certify the 2005 election.
Photo/Barbara E.R. Lucas |