Costuming Roundup
Conference Proposals Needed by March 1
Robert Haven
Costume Design & Technology Commission
Now is the time to submit costume design and technology ideas and session proposals for USITT's Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Louisville in 2006.
Have a great idea for a program or Professional Development Workshop? Share a technique, teaching strategy, technical process, or experience. Organize a panel to consider an issue that is of importance to costume designers and technicians. It’s all up to members to come up with creative programs for the conference.
At each USITT conference, a list of program proposals is presented for the next conference. The Costume Design & Technology Commission now requests these program proposals to present to members at the upcoming Toronto 2005 Conference & Stage Expo in March. Time is running out to have a Louisville 2006 session proposal included on this ballot.
The process is simple. Download a proposal form from the USITT web site,, fill in information about the proposed program, and send it to Bob Haven, 114 Fine Arts Bldg., University of Kentucky, Lexington KY 40506-0022, 859-257-7506, 859-948 1979 or e-mail it to Assistance is also available to help refine ideas or guide you through the process; so don’t hesitate to ask.
Since all the information on programs needs to be organized and prepared for voting at the Conference in Toronto , proposals must be received by March 1.Remember, great programming makes for a great conference, and that programming comes from the members of the Costume Design & Technology Commission.
Session Assistants Needed
William Henshaw
Costume Design & Technology Commission
The Costume Design & Technology Commission is looking for volunteers to participate as session assistants at the upcoming USITT Annual Conference & Stage Expo in Toronto , March 16 to 19.
There are 14 sessions this year and volunteers are needed to help with each one.
Session assistants must arrive for their assigned session 20 minutes early to help insure the speaker has the necessary equipment and to assist with lights, slides, room setup, handouts, or other needs. The assistant makes sure that the speaker and session are introduced properly.
This is a great opportunity to meet peers and other highly respected costume designers, artisans, and directors of costuming who participate in the sessions. This program is open to all including students.
Specific requests are welcome or Commission members will assign you. For more information or to sign up, please contact William Henshaw, Henderson State University, HSU box 7501, Arkadelphia, AR 71999-001; e-mail; office phone 870-230-5423, or shop phone 870-230-5525. Portfolio Reviewers, Review Candidates Needed
Pam Knourek
Costume Design & Technology Commission
The Costume Design & Technology Commission will again be participating in Portfolio Reviews which will be scheduled during the Annual Conference & Stage Expo this March. Because the Institute is rich in talent, it is exciting to be able to introduce talent on both sides of the table.
Portfolio reviews are non-juried and are scheduled in 20-minute time slots. Reviews are available for Costume Design, Costume Technology, and Wig and Makeup talent portfolios. Other areas such as lighting and scene design portfolio reviews are also available.
For the costume and wig and makeup areas, two reviewers who are qualified to speak to the presentation area will review each portfolio. Those planning to attend the Conference and would like have a portfolio reviewed or have the time to give your talents to reviewing a portfolio or two, please contact Pam Knourek at and provide the necessary information.
Those wishing to have a portfolio reviewed should include: name, area of focus, school attended, and level of education present/completed, and the dates you will be available at the conference.
Those available to act as reviewers should include: name, professional affiliation/school, area of review focus, preference for undergraduate or graduate level talent, post office address, and the dates you will be at the conference. We ask that all reviewers be a member of USITT or be sponsored by a member.
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