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News From:
Conference & Stage Expo
For the Record

Session Helps Costumers
To Develop Designs

Gweneth West and costume designers Laura Crow, Marianne Custer, and Susan Tsu will share their process of developing design ideas for costumes at the Toronto 2005 Conference & Stage Expo.

In the conference session, Developing the Costume Idea offered by the Costume Design & Technology Commission, participants will follow development from initial inspiration to sketches of their own explorations of A Midsummer Night's Dream. The session will be held 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 17, 2005.

Bring a love of the play and germinating ideas. Look for a character driven set of images that are more emotional than literal, that create a sense of the milieu more than the actual costumes. Gather non-literal images, emotional responses to character...anything but the clothes.

Pencil, paper, and color markers will be provided. Participants may wish to bring their own art supplies to continue working in their preferred media. Work will continue after the session with sketches posted at Stage Expo. Time will be set aside for designers to respond to their work in an informal session in the days following, a time to be announced at the initial session.

For more information, e-mail Come, express yourself, and explore new possibilities.

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