The Last Word:
SE Master Classes Provide Hands-on Learning, Awards

Participants in the welding class
Hands-on programming and Design/Tech Expo winners highlighted the Southeast Regional Section’s annual Master Classes August 28 to 29.

UNC's Center for Dramatic Art where USITT SE's Regional Conference was held.

Participants in the parasol workshop

A helmet from the Wonderflex World session.

Kat Patterson's winning entry in the USITT-SE Design/Tech Expo.
Hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Department of Dramatic Art, more than 65 people from 26 theatre companies and academic institutions participated.
The conference offered programming in all areas of technical theatre. In addition, the theatre department partnered with the UNC Libraries Research Hub to host sessions in 3D design with Tinkercad and tours of the campus makerspaces, innovation incubators which include 3D printers, laser cutters, and CDC machines. Digital printing company Spoonflower sponsored a session on fabric design for theatrical applications. Candy McClernan, creative director for the thermoplastics innovator Wonderflex World, ran two sessions on using Wonderflex’s products in prop and costume making.
“[Participants] responded very enthusiastically to being able to touch, play and create a simple project with our products,” McClernan said. “Hopefully they will carry that enthusiasm back to their classrooms.”
The Design/Tech Expo featured displays by thirteen students and faculty. Six student winners were chosen: Erin Abbenante (UNC-Chapel Hill) for a wig/hat with integrated circuitry; Trevor Carrier (UG-Athens) for scenic design of A Behanding in Spokane; Jen Gillette (UNCSA) for costume design of Angels in America; Katherine Keener (UNC-Chapel Hill) for a survey of digitally designed print techniques; Kat Patterson (UNCSA) for costume design of The Consul; and Emily Plonski (UNC-Chapel Hill) for engineered shibori dyework. Southeast will pay the registration for the Salt Lake City 2016 Conference & Stage Expo for these six students.
The Joseph Stell Award for faculty went to UNC professor Jan Chambers for costume design of Henry V at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Jurors were Dr. Anne Porterfield of the North Carolina State University College of Textiles and Jason Prichard of Theatre Consultants Collaborative.
Corporate sponsors included Atlanta Costume/Norcostco, Barbizon Lighting, BMI Supply, Philips Entertainment, Mulberry Silks, Sculptural Arts Coatings, Stage Decoration & Supplies, and Stage Rigging Services.
Next fall’s Southeast Master Classes will be hosted by the Department of Theatre at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama.
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