Conference & Stage Expo
2015 Stage Expo Smashed Records

USITT succeeded in bringing a bigger, better, newer Stage Expo than ever to Cincinnati this year.
More than 280 exhibitors filled nearly 45,000 square feet of the show floor at the Duke Energy Convention Center. Over 60 of them were new or returning after years away.
The result was a Stage Expo packed with exciting new technologies, avenues, and opportunities for learning, networking, and product resourcing.
The 2015 exhibitor list is a “Who’s Who” in entertainment technology:
- A.C. Lighting Inc.
- A.C.T Lighting, Inc.
- Acceptd
- Alcons Audio
- Altman Lighting, Inc.
- American Harlequin Corporation
- American Society of Theatre Consultants
- Anchor Audio
- Apollo Design Technology, Inc.
- Architectus Robotica
- Arts University at Bournemouth
- Automatic Devices Company
- B Street Theatre
- Baby Lock
- Backdrops Beautiful
- Backdrops Fantastic
- Bad Dog Tools
- Barbizon Lighting Company
- Batts Audio, Video & Lighting, Inc
- Beck Studios, Inc.
- Behind the Scenes
- BellaTEX Stage Curtains
- Ben Nye Makeup
- BMI Supply
- Boston University
- Broadway Green Alliance
- C.B.I. Cables
- California Institute of the Arts
- California State University Fullerton Theatre & Dance Department
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Carnival Cruise Lines
- Celebrity Cruises
- ChamSys USA
- CHAUVET® Professional
- Chicago Canvas & Supply
- Chicago Shakespeare Theater
- Chicago Spotlight
- Church Production Magazine
- Cirque du Soleil
- City Theatrical, Inc.
- Clark Transfer, Inc.
- Clear-Com Communication Systems
- Clearwing Productions
- Cobalt Studios
- Columbus McKinnon Corp.
- coolux International
- Costume Gallery-Newport, LLC
- Costume Inventory Resources
- Creative Handbook
- Creative Stage Lighting Co.
- d&b audiotechnik
- Dataton
- Dazian
- Designer Magazine
- DesignLab
- Disney Parks Creative Entertainment
- DPA Microphones Inc.
- Dragon & Phoenix Software
- Eartec Co.
- Educational Theatre Association
- Elation Professional
- Electronic Theatre Controls (ETC)
- EmptySpace Technology
- Entertainment Structures Group
- Enttec Americas
- ESL Power Systems, Inc.
- eZHoist
- Feld Entertainment
- Figure 53
- Florida State University
- Focal Press
- Foy Inventerprises, Inc.
- Frends Beauty Supply
- Future Light
- GaffGun
- GALA Systems, Inc.
- Gantom Lighting & Controls
- Gerriets International
- Gleason Reel Corp.
- Glimmerglass Festival
- GLP German Lighting Products
- Graftobian Make-Up Company
- Griffin 3D
- Grosh Backdrops and Drapery
- Group One Limited / DiGiCo
- Guildhall School of Music & Drama
- H & H Specialties Inc.
- Hall Associates Flying Effects
- IATSE Local 1
- Illinois State University
- InLight Gobos
- InterAmerica Stage, Inc.
- International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees
- Irwin Seating Company
- iWeiss Theatrical Solutions
- J.R. Clancy, Inc.
- JLG Industries, Inc.
- Karamu House
- Kent State University
- Kenwood USA
- Kryolan Corporation
- Kupo Industrial Corp
- Lectrosonics
- LEE Filters
- Lex Products Corp.
- Limelight Productions, Inc.
- Live Design Magazine/LDI Show
- Live! Technologies
- Loos & Co
- Loud and Clear Inc.
- Louisiana State University
- Lycian Stage Lighting
- MainStage Theatrical Supply, Inc.
- Malabar Limited
- MDG Fog Generators
- Mega Systems Inc
- Mehron, Inc.
- Meyer Sound Laboratories, Inc.
- MG Tour Company
- Millikin University
- Minnesota State University Mankota
- ModTruss Inc
- Montclair State University
- Morpheus Lights
- Music Theatre Wichita
- National Costumers Association
- Nebraska Theatre Caravan
- Necessity's Inventions
- Nemetschek Vectorworks, Inc.
- NETworks Presentations
- Nicopress Products
- Norcostco, Inc.
- Northern Illinois University
- Nova Lume
- Ogunquit Playhouse
- Ohio University School of Theater
- OISTAT/World Scenography Books
- Open Tickets
- Opera America
- OSF Costume Rentals
- Otterbien University
- Pathway Connectivity
- Penn State University
- Period Corsets
- Pixorea
- plotLight by Act 85
- Point Source Audio
- Point Wright Entertainment Rigging
- Polyonyx+
- PreSonus Audio
- Princess Cruises
- Propared
- Pulp Art Surfaces
- Purchase College
- Purdue Theatre
- Rational Acoustics, LLC
- RC4 Wireless/Soundsculpture Inc.
- Richard B. Fisher Center at Bard College
- RLED Lighting
- Robert Juliat
- Rosco Laboratories, Inc.
- Rose Brand Theatrical Fabrics, Fabrications & Supplies
- Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines
- Royal Conservatoire of Scotland
- Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama
- Rutgers University Theater
- Saint Mary's College
- San Diego State University
- San Franciso State University
- Sapsis Rigging Entertainment Services, Inc.
- SCAD: The University for Creative Careers
- Sculptural Arts Coating, Inc.
- SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment
- Serapid, Inc.
- Shakespeare Theatre Company
- ShopBot
- Show Distribution
- Show Sage LLC
- Shure Incorporated
- Sight & Sound Theatres
- Smooth-On, Inc.
- Society of Properties Artisan Managers
- Sound Associates
- Southeastern Theatre Conference
- Southern Illinois University
- Stage Directions/PLSN/FOH
- Stage Manager's Association
- Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas
- StageLight, Inc.
- StageMaker
- StageRight Corporation
- StageSpot
- StageWrite Software
- Staging Concepts
- Steeldeck NY Inc.
- Steppenwolf
- Strong Lighting
- Studio Gear
- Syracuse Scenery & Stage Lighting Co., Inc.
- TC Furlong Inc.
- Techni-Lux
- Temple University
- Texas A&M University-Commerce
- Texas State University
- Texas Tech University
- The George Washington University
- The Light Source
- The Ohio State University Department of Theatre
- The Santa Fe Opera
- The Shakespeare Theatre of NJ
- The University of Alabama
- The University of Georgia
- The University of Memphis
- The University of North Carolina Greensboro
- The University of Texas at Austin
- Theatre Historical Society of America
- Theatre World Backdrops
- Thern Stage Equipment
- Tiffin Scenic Studios, Inc.
- Tomcat USA, Inc.
- Tru Roll
- Tulane University
- Turning Star Inc.
- UC San Diego Deprtment of Theatre & Dance
- Ultratec Special Effects
- Union Connector Co., Inc.
- United Scenic Artists Local USA 829
- University of Arkansas
- University of Cincinnati
- University of Connecticut
- University of Hawai'i
- University of Illinois
- University of Michigan - Flint
- University of Nevada - Las Vegas
- University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
- University of North Carolina School of the Arts
- University of South Carolina
- University of South Dakota
- University of Virginia
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- US Rigging
- Vincent Lighting
- Virginia Tech
- Visit Salt Lake
- Viterbo University
- Wayne State University
- Wenger Corporation
- West Virginia University
- Western Illinois University
- Wigfits, Inc.
- Will-Burt Company, The
- Williamstown Theatre Festival
- Wonderflex World
- XS Lighting & Sound
- Yale University
- Yamaha Commercial Audio
- YeagerLabs
- ZFX, Inc.- Flying Effects

ZFX flying Josh Knight from WKRC television.

Speaker Demonstrations

Steve Younkins of Q2Q Comics signed his drawings for more than an hour at Stage Expo