News & Notices
Call for 2013 Nominations

As voting for the 2012 election year is underway, USITT encourages all members to make nominations for the 2013 election slate and to take an active role in identifying the future leadership of the organization. This is especially critical as the Institute continues into its second half-century.
USITT welcomes the prospect of identifying emerging new leaders. Member nomination of candidates for the USITT 2013 election slate will guide and inform the Nominations Committee in selecting effective future leadership for USITT and “securing the future” of our great organization.
Now is the time to nominate for the 2013 election cycle. Work is underway to find candidates for positions on the Board of Directors to take office July 1, 2013. Because the bylaws revision of 2010 increased the term of office to three years for officer positions (to parallel the three-year terms of directors), there are no officer positions open for election in this 2013 cycle.
Directors are responsible for representing the membership in all decisions made by the Board. They shall be members in good standing of the Institute and a Regional Section for all the time they serve. They are expected to attend all Board meetings. Each member of the Board of Directors shall serve as a member of an Institute committee or be a Commissioner or Vice-Commissioner. There are 18 Directors, six to be elected each year.
Complete the 2013 Election Nomination Form, which can be found by clicking here. Information on the roles and responsibilities of a board member, which should be read before nominating yourself or someone else, can be found by clicking here. To read the info sheet for prospective board members, click here. Once all applications have been collected and verified, the committee will work to develop a slate of up to 12 potential Directors. This slate will then be presented and voted on by the membership. To allow a full review by the Nominations Committee, forms are due by March 2, 2012.
Because USITT is a membership organization, it is up to members to help encourage future leaders to become part of the board. Members are also strongly encouraged to consider self-nomination if they are interested in serving the Institute as a director.
Questions or suggestions regarding this process may be addressed to any member of the Nominations Committee. The committee roster may be found here.