Student Costumers: Lend Your Ideas!

Jordan Straight, a participant in the 2011 student session from the Costume Design & Technology Commission, demonstrated how to create patterns using Adobe Photoshop Elements
It is hard to believe it is time to start planning for the 2012 Conference & Stage Expo in Long Beach, California, but the Costume Design & Technology Commission has a variety of sessions and panels to offer. Interested in learning about the history of the swimsuit or creating masks for a production you are working on? There is a session to cover it.
One of the most exciting projects for the Costume Design & Technology Commission is the Student Leadership Initiative. Headed by Rafael Jaen, the SLI is geared to the increased number of students in the field of Costume Design & Technology and their concerns and interests.
As Commissioner Donna Meester explains, “It has been becoming more and more apparent that the Commission is getting younger; every year we see more new student members. Many of these students have asked how they can become more involved, especially when it comes to presenting. Since we do our programming a year in advance, it is virtually impossible for most of them to know if they will be able to attend the next Annual Conference or even what they would present. By having a student dedicated session in the schedule, they will have the opportunity to plan ahead and to apply to present at a much later date.”
Whether from a student, an educator, or a working professional, the Commission seeks input about what students have to say about new approaches; use of non-traditional materials, green initiatives, digital software for theatrical use, updating costume design and technology related operations, and any other aspect that is a part of the student experience. If interested in participating, send an e-mail to and include: name, e-mail address, mobile phone number, school, degree, concentration, topic, a 100-word project abstract, and an e-mail letter from a recommending faculty member.