News From:
Regional Sections
Ohio Valley: Tour, Elections Held

Photo/Emily Faust
On May 2, Ray Kent of Westlake, Reed, and Leskosky coordinated a private tour of the first four phases of the renovation of the lighting and audio systems of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum for the Ohio Valley Regional Section. Taine Gilliam and Brian Bernicken of Vincent Lighting explained the new DMX universes controlling each exhibit area. The 20 attendees saw new LED fixtures and custom speakers that create narrow "aisles" of sound in front of the exhibits. Special guest, Martha Marking, Vice-President of Members, Sections & Chapters joined the tour. Section members also expressed special thanks to Ray, Taine Gilliam, Brian Bernicken, Emily Faust, and the folks at the Rock Hall!
The election results are in. New board members are: Rick Clever (VC for Operations), and Brian Morgan and Elynmarie Kazle (Board Members at Large). Jeff Gress and Brian Ruggaber return at Board Members at Large; and Steve Pauna returns as Secretary. A big thank you to Rebecca White and Ray Kent for their service to OVS.
The OVS Fall Conference will be held Saturday, September 24 at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania.