Institute to Launch JobsUSITT on Web
Michelle L. Smith
Membership & Ad Sales Manager
USITT's classified advertising service is evolving! What was once just a section in the monthly electronic newsletter, Sightlines, will soon be a separate and distinct comprehensive employment listings service -- JobsUSITT -- starting in October.
JobsUSITT will be updated weekly on the USITT web site offering advertisers more timely publication of their open positions. New job ads will be posted every Thursday.
The service will premiere in September, occurring in parallel with Sightlines-based Classifieds. In October, JobsUSITT will begin to operate on its own merits, with new ads appearing on Thursday, October 5 with new jobs added each subsequent Thursday.
Placing an ad with JobsUSITT will be fast and efficient. Advertisers will complete a brief, on-line form, review their order, and submit for placement.
Advertisers submit ads on-line weekly between Wednesday at 12:01 a.m. through the next Tuesday at 12 p.m. to be published each Thursday. For example, advertisers who wish to have their jobs posted to JobsUSITT on Thursday, October 19 must submit them by midnight the preceding Tuesday, October 17.
During the transition to JobsUSITT ads placed as part of October Sightlines will run in parallel with JobsUSITT. After October 10, all ads will be submitted online and paid by credit card. Purchase orders will no longer be accepted.
Every issue of Sightlines will include a link to JobsUSITT, as will the USITT website home page, prompting readers to peruse the latest openings. A search feature will allow job hunters to locate jobs in certain settings, facilitating the pursuit of professional opportunities.
Additional information on advertising in JobsUSITT will be available in the September issue of Sightlines.
For more information about advertising professional positions in the new JobsUSITT, contact Michelle Smith, Membership & Ads Sales Manager at
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