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Conference & Stage Expo
For the Record

An illustration from Raphael Jaen's work, serves as an example of how an image can be incorporated into a portfolio.

Consider Electronic Portfolios

Raphael Jaen
Costume Design & Technology Commission

The Portfolio Reviews at the USITT Annual Conference & Stage Expo are valuable sessions that can assist participants in many aspects; one of these is learning new approaches.

Costume designers and technicians are creating digital portfolios in addition to paper ones. A digital portfolio includes inputted text, electronic files, images, and multimedia. If they are on line, they can include blog entries and hyperlinks. They can be created as simple Microsoft Word documents using text-boxes, or PowerPoint presentations saved on a CD. They can also be formatted with more sophisticated software such as Adobe Dreamweaver or options readily available in host websites.

Things to consider when planning a digital portfolio include:

  • Save all show materials in digital format, scan renderings, save CAD drawings, save digital photographs, etc.
  • Become familiar with digital software such as Photoshop Elements, Photoshop, and Dreamweaver.
  • Plan opening (title) page with name, titles, images of work, and resumé link.
  • Use 72dpi resolution images for easy uploading; Photoshop has a "save for the web" feature.
  • For a first web site, choose an affordable server with a five-year domain and with building tools.
  • For an interactive approach, add links to Facebook ‘Add' page, LinkedIn profile and/or Youtube professional videos.

This year, Rafael Jaen will head the portfolio reviews for the Costume Design & Technology Commission. The Commission highly encourages all participants of the 2010 Kansas Conference & Stage Expo to share in these sessions. For more information or to sign up, contact Mr. Jaen at

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